TMP Open Enrollment Starts Today – March 8th 2021

I was happy to welcome Asurion’s John Hack to The Horn webcast last week to tell us about TMP: Total Mobile Protection. If you missed it, you’ll want to view the recording by clicking here.

The reason being, today marks the start of the enrollment window when you can enroll new and existing customers in TMP. So now is a great time to touch base with customers to upsell a great add-on service that will increase your ARPU (average revenue per user), increase their stickiness, and further establish your business as the go-to people for everything related to communications.

From March 8 to May 6, your customers can sign up for Total Mobile Protection for Business to cover loss, theft, battery replacement, and physical damage, including… er, water damage. The service offers same-day device replacement and setup and includes round-the-clock responsiveness from the Asurion team.

During the conversation with John, he also outlined the benefits of the Verizon Tech Team. We know that many of your customers may already have some kind of technical support, either as individual users or companywide. Asurion can replace or complement them with their Verizon-endorsed, 24/7 technical support – with unlimited support for all employees of that business. The offer is not limited only to Verizon devices. Many of your customers may have some employees who have devices on other networks. John was fast to reassure us that Tech Team can still support all your customers’ phones. He gave an example of a company with ten Verizon lines and a total of 25 employees, with Tech Team supporting all their devices and business apps – again 24/7.

Later on in our discussion, I asked John for any special value you can offer to your customers for bundling both offerings together. His answer: yes. For example, for three to ten users, TMP-MD is normally priced at $45 per month, while Tech Team is $79. When bundled, the price is $100. You can see more pricing examples in the TMP pdf at

On that same page, you will also find the video recording of The Horn episode with John. Also, a great pdf – Tech Team Journey – that you can show to your prospects; and a short video featuring Jessica as she receives help from Tech Team. Let us know if you would like a copy to show to your customers.

And please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me or your ConectUS team if you would like help in pitching this or any above-the-network solution to your customers.