Three Ways to Turn a Cold Lead into a Warm Lead

Three Ways to Turn a Cold Lead into a Warm Lead

Chasing cold leads can be one of the toughest things about being a salesperson. You are putting forth so much effort and energy into trying to land a sale, but the company or person that you’re trying to sell to isn’t showing much interest. Some people give up on these leads quickly, but there is value in persistently pursuing these sales as cold leads can sometimes become warm leads.

Here are three ways you can turn a cold lead into a warm lead.

  1. Personalized outreach

One of the biggest ways to turn a cold lead into a warmer lead is through personalized outreach. If the company or person you’re trying to sell to is being cold towards you, you must personalize your approach towards potentially selling to them. If your approach is too robotic and generic from the get-go, you could lose that sale.

Showing the potential company or person that you have researched their business and analyzed how your product can benefit them could intrigue them. Just a smidge of intrigue could lead to more questions from them which could lead to a sale.

  1. Follow up consistently

One thing that many salespeople fail to do is follow up with their potential customers. One study showed that it takes about eight cold calls to reach a potential prospect. Continuing to reach out to a contact who hasn’t been answering can be draining, but there’s a good chance that they haven’t noticed you’ve been reaching out.

As you stay consistent, this allows the potential prospect to gain a level of familiarity with your business and how your services can help them. Even after you talk with a prospect once, it is important to follow up after that. One statistic shows that about 60 percent of customers say no four times before saying yes. This shows that you must show patience and a level of persistence that isn’t nagging, but shows that you are committed to selling them your service. This only works if you have done your research as discussed earlier, but follow-up calls or emails are essential.

  1. Offer a free trial or demo of your service or product

Offering a free trial or demo isn’t something that should be utilized extremely often, but it can be a game changer in certain situations. You shouldn’t give a free trial to a potential customer in every situation, but these free trials are sometimes the difference between making a sale and losing a sale. 

Providing a customer with a sneak peek of what your product or service offers allows them to gauge how much your product would truly help them. If it doesn’t help or they don’t need it, the free trial doesn’t hurt you. If the product or service does help them, you could have landed a customer that could be coming back for years to come.

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